Is Fast Fashion here to Stay?
I can’t decide if this new fad for fast fashion is a good thing or a bad thing, and I’d love to hear what you guys think about it. On the one hand, it’s great to give people access to clothes from all over the globe at affordable prices. It’s freeing, and allows anyone and everyone to experiment with fashion in a way that we’ve never been able to before. On the other hand it means that clothes tend to be poorer quality – they’re no longer designed to last, but to be worn for one season then tossed away or given to your local charity shop.
I think this might be why the vintage shopping trend has become so fashionable too. The more fast fashion takes hold, the more we seem to crave the high quality tailoring of previous generations. Vintage shopping also gives people access to truly unique pieces of clothing – a means of getting away from the identikit fashion available from affordable high street stores.
I remember being really sceptical about buying clothes and shoes online at first. Without being able to try things on in store, or to examine the colour and quality of materials up close before making a purchase, I wasn’t sure if shopping for clothes online was something that would ever catch on. Of course, I was wrong, and I now shop for clothes online all the time! I guess because stores now make it so easy for you to return things that don’t fit, and I really love online stores that give you video footage of the item you’re looking at, so you can get a far better idea of what it’ll look like on you.
I love the sheer amount of choice – I can go online and find just about any item of clothing, in any colour and any size whenever I want. And I have to admit, I love the affordability of shopping online too. But I can’t help feeling that we’re losing something special when it comes to clothing as a result. Clothes used to be that much more special when we had to save for them – and we’d treasure them for a lot longer too. So how do you feel about the fast fashion world we live in now? I’d love to hear your thoughts!

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