Greeting You an Eid Mubarak
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem.
Assalamualaikum brothers and sisters in Islam. Selαmαt Hαri Rαyα Iedul Adhα 1433H
Before anything else, I would like to greet everyone an Eidl Adha Mubarak.
I could not go to the mosque today. But I do not have an excuse of not listening to khutba. So, I decided to listen to the khutba in the house instead on IKIM FM of Kuala Lumpur via radio. You can check it out here.
I know. I have limited Malay. I cannot speak but I can somehow understand very little because it has similarities to my mother tongue - Sinug/Tausug. So, I had to really listen carefully. haha. And, at 11 pm, I will check out Makkah Live on Youtube to witness the prayer in Saudi Arabia too.
I've decided to create some photo greetings for all of you as well. These are photos of Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah Mosque in Kiulap, Brunei Darussalam.
Today, we remember the sacrifice that Nabi Ibrahim has done in his obedience and love of Allaah. Islam is all about sacrifices. We have to fully submit ourselves to the Almighty. By doing so, we have to let go of worldly things. Letting go of such is already a sacrifice to all of us. By being a good Muslim, we have to see things with a different perspective. Just like how Nabi Ibrahim did, we should be able to do so too.
It is not just the Qurban that you must do today for a sacrifice. The least of things that we can sacrifice is our pride and stoned heart. Forgive those who have hurt you. Ask forgiveness to those you have hurt. It is the least thing you can do today. Let go of that pride. Be humble in front of others. Do not cause hurt to others.
I ask forgiveness to those I may have hurt unconsciously. And to those who have hurt me in the past, rest assured that I am not keeping a rage against you today and in the future.
Allahumma Amiiin.
Eid.Mubarak to you too :) MashaAllah really beautiful post :) I especially love the last part, that we should sacrifice our pride, it touched my heart ane I'm going to do it InshaAllah.
Thank you sis.. I am applying this to myself as well. ^^
Deleteslmt hari rayA aidiladha..sila lah dtg ke blog sy..
ReplyDeleteEid mubarak sis!