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Accountancy Week

Warning: Photos ahead.

Accountancy week has just begun. Sports and Laro ng lahi were conducted last weekend. Our batch 4Vidas (seniors) were so happy about the outcome.

There may be times of difficulty due to some instances that we cannot foresee but none of those will bring us down. Our batch is one and united. With Allah's grace, we will do our best in every aspect of the competition as long as we are on the right track.

There are newly-made friendship too along with the other year level especially those lower levels. We are on our last two years in the department and we want everything to flow smoothly, hopefully. There may be times that we cannot control the heat of competition, but we are aiming for a fun-filled and healthy competition along with other participants. There will never be fun when all you think is about winning the competition. Yes, it is fun to win but that is not the essence of having the accountancy week. It is about being united.

I am so thankful that my batch is strong and persevere. We are each others' strengths. We are each others' inspirations. We may have weaknesses but those are what binds us to be stronger. We play for fun. We play for memories.

You can see above the photo of our candidates for the Search for the Ambassadors of Goodwill 2011, Sol and Larry (SoLar for short). :D Aren't they beautiful? Aah!

Behold! The pretty girls of 4Vidas. (Sorry to some who are not in the photo.)

(L-R: Me, Kylie, Sol, LT, Aiko, Aya, Cah, Zar, Anine, Aleen, Mench, Lola)

Lastly, here's a photo of the 4Vidas present during the opening program.

Spell FUN. 4-V-I-D-A-S

Who run the world? 4VIDAS.

1 comment:

  1. The pictures says it all. Looks like you really had fun! And your candidate looks so pretty, pinay beauty indeed! ;)

    Take care! <3
    My recent post Palawan, July Vacation!


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