Kai’s travel joys, modesty whatnots and cup of tea summarized in photos and words.

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2016: The Light

Who could have believed that this is my 7th year-ender post already? Time flies, but we need to carry on and move forward.

If you wanna read my previous year-enders, you may click the following links:

  • Taking care of my mother. 
  • Met up with Ben and her sister after a long time. <3 Post

  • My blog's 6th anniversary <3 - Post

  • My mother passed away. It was the most depressing moment of my life, but I had to pick myself up. Thanks to the people around me for the constant reminders and comforting. You don't know how much I appreciate your efforts. - Post

  • Back to my hometown. - Post

  • Spoken to the young graduates of MSU TCTO Childhood Integrated Learning Development School (CHILDS). Post

  • My birthday <3

  • Roadtripped Mindanao - Post

  • Island-hopped around Tawi-Tawi - Post

  • Lilpink travels to Kuala Lumpur and Singapore. <3
  • I participated in WIEF Young Fellows 2016 in Singapore (different travel from above). 
Post for the travels are in the succeeding months. :D

  • Stayed in Tawi-Tawi. 
  • Posted about #thezultiqwedding from my Singapore travel in early September. - Post

  • Still stayed in Tawi-Tawi. :D 

  • Attended Bangala Fashion Fair
  • Wrote about the mysterious person sending me gifts since October. - Post
  • Uploaded videos about my September travels. :) 

For most of the people, 2016 is one of the tough years of their lives. However for me, it might have given me with the hardest trial which is losing my mother, but it also made me stronger and more humble than ever before. I learned to really submit myself to the will of Allah SWT. Truly, we only find our purpose when we are faced with great despair.

The learnings I gained this year were incomparable to the years before. 2016 didn't only taught me about the good coming out of goodness. It also taught me immensely on how our perseverance and steadfastness will bring out good in the bad times. Alhamdulillah for being alive.

To the people I have met first time this year, thank you for contributing to the highlight of my 2016. To the people who has always been there for me, I can't thank you enough for all the love and care you showed me. To the people I am yet to meet in 2017, we sure will have great time!

Here's to more learnings amidst all the craziness of this world. Here's to abundant amount of humility despite all of the ladders we are able to climb. Here's to happiness in good and bad times. Here's to worship before anything else.

PS: Maybe I should convert my year-enders to Hijri calendar. What do you think? :D

Toodles 2016. Oh hey, 2017!


  1. This year is when your character truly shone--when you were faced with trials yet you did not waver in your faith. Here's to another year of online friendship!

    1. Thank you Aye for listening to my rants! :) In sha Allah, we can get through all of the trials given to us victoriously. <3 Much love!

  2. I hope you're feeling better now, Kai. Your 2016 must be really difficult when you lost your mother, but I hope you're doing better now.

    But still, 2016 gave you a lot of opportunities! I am wishing you a better 2017 ahead! :) Btw, I subscribed to your youtube channel :)

    1. With God's help, I am now fine but still recuperating from the heartbreak. it is not an easy feat.

  3. Wow. 7 year-ender posts. I hope I make it to that long in the blogging industry. 2016 has been rather rough on you. I can't imagine that lost but I'm glad you can see the good in the bad. Lots of opportunities also came your way and I can't wait to read about your travels in the coming months. Happy 2017!

    xo, Richel V. | Richel Goes Places

    1. Thank you, Richel. <3 yep, it is indeed a long journey already. :)
      Blessed 2017 to you!

  4. I always look forward to your year-enders! Been an amazing 7 years ma'sha'allah - this year was no doubt a hard one for you - I can't imagine how hard.

    But through the difficulty, it seems you've taken it as it has come and tried, no, succeeded at bringing something positive or at least gaining strenght from it as you said.

    As I try to remind myself, Allah puts us through tests - I have faith you have and will continue to pass these trials.

    No doubt your dear mom would have been so proud in your response to her passing, both in the short-term and insha'allah, in the long-term.

    Wow, I need to check out your travel videos - yes, I'll feed bad because I rarely get to travel hehe - but also, at least I can see these places through your eyes. I'll definitely get to them soon :)

    Wishing you a wonderful 2017!

    1. Thank you so much for always giving me your kindest words, bro! :) I am still in the verge of struggle of my mom's loss despite of the number of months that passed. In sha Allah, I will be better.

      :) Blessed 2017!


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