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The Facebook Timeline

Facebook has introduced another feature which is focused on the profiles of people called Timeline. To know how this new feature looks like, click here. Sometimes we might feel like we need a degree from accredited online colleges to fully understand Facebook. But this post will help you understand.

So, are you one of those curious people who wants to see how it looks like in your own profile? Here's a quick guide on how to do it:

1. Log in to your facebook account.

2. Search for the app called Developer and Allow it.

3. Go to this app, and click on CREATE NEW APP. Type the Display Name and Namespace as you wish. As for me, I used My Timeline as Display Name and kcaiyah as namespace. This depends on the availability of your namespace.

6. Go to Open Graph just below the Settings of your new app. And type in the following: Read a Book . You can use any phrase by the way. Then, click GET STARTED.

7. You can change the past tense of the verbs or not. It depends on you.

8. Click all three pages of settings: Roles, Credits, and Insights.

9. Wait for 3 minutes.

10. Go back to . You will see an invite to use the timeline in the upper part of the window. (Just above the update status) Accept the invite. Wallah. You have your new Facebook Profile Timeline. :)

All of the steps are from I rephrased them for a quicker understanding.

How did you find the timeline? Worth it? Or nay?


  1. Facebook now is getting irritating (for me) it's because of the mixed features that is not user friendly . But thank u for sharing this one though, it's useful specially when tracking other activities :)
    My recent post Rainy Daze


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