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Tell Me, Have You Ever Been In Love?

When one falls in love, he becomes selfish. He does not listen to anybody except the beating of his heart. If there is a moment that you hesitate about one person, you've got love mistaken. You are bound to be thoughtless, careless and selfless when you are in love. That is an excuse anyone could use when they become too self-oriented. Being selfish does not mean you want material things for yourself. Nah. Just the one you love. You forget about anything in the world. All you want is to be with one person. Have you thought of it?

In a crowd of hundreds of people, even millions, the one you love still gets 99% of your attention. Did it already occur to you? When you become so desperate looking for a person in a crowded street? The moment he shows up, your heart beats faster as if it wants to get out of your chest. When he looks at you, your cheeks seems to burn down. Ah! What a beautiful feeling.

The street lights seem to play a song in your eyes telling you what a beauty there is. Even the ugly looks so lovely in the eyes. Ah! What a lovely feeling it is -  falling in love.

BUT. There are times that even the best love stories just does not work for some people. Maybe, they are not destined to be in each other's company. This has nothing to do with me, or with anyone else I know. I just have the inspiration to write something. There are times that what is in your heart cannot fight the reality. Maybe, you are bound for someone better - maybe not at all. Who would have known? Who would have thought? Maybe it wasn't supposed to be what it is.

If everyone is bound to love, they are also bound to share a piece of hurt. We cannot fully understand love unless we get hurt. We can never appreciate little things when we cannot grasp the idea of losing them. Truly, love in its simplest form brings the most complex feelings to people.

Sometimes, you just have to go, take a look, make the move, take the risk, and fall in love to understand life itself. :) Cheers to the people who loved, been loved, are loving, will love.

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  1. i don't want to fall in love with a wrong person again. it hurts BIG TIME :|

  2. I'm in love :) I like your post! It really tells about how a person is in love <3 It tells that in love, you can't just be happy because there are hard times, but you will be stronger together once you understand what went wrong at those times :)

    God bless sis!
    My recent post Short update

  3. That is the little thing called love. :) I agree. When we love expect to get hurt too.
    My recent post Ate’s 23rd Birthday


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